Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Pendora Box Opened!

Setting strategy is elegant. It’s a one "swell" process to dig deep into and diving through collecting and analyzing your past achievements, data, commitments and what not!. The whole process of developing the startegy is breath takingly charismatic. Identifying smart paths forward while looking backward at what was real, successful, and pulling... back then, gives an immense satisfaction. But what is it that makes it so worth doing! What is Startegy? What is / was the first thing in your mind when you are / were making one for your company? 

Your replies will help us find the key to the pendora box of "STRATEGY", a well talked phenomenon!

Strategy: A Practitioner's Perspective

Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations" 
Johnson and Scholes 

Is your company spending enormous time and energy on strategy development, with little to show for your efforts? This blog will combed through hundreds of practices, issues, parameter, models, pitfalls, short term and long term perspectives, including various articles on strategy to help galvanize your organization's strategy development and execution. Your input, queries, and issues you are facing will be addressed and together we can discover our own models and best practices.